Often people ask what do I eat and when do I eat it? When do I workout and truly how long do I workout? Here is how I break down what I feel is most important for achieving progress.
Yes it is the most important meal of the day. Your metabolism starts with breakfast, so you should eat within one hour of waking up. Breakfast is truly the meal that gives you the necessary energy to function in your day. Research has proven that those who eat breakfast do consume fewer calories later in the day. Thus for those on a quest to achieve weight loss, calories in and calories out does matter. Start your journey by implementing a healthy breakfast.
Workout in the Morning
Everyone sees that I post a daily morning workout-why? Because research states that those who
consistently workout in the morning are more likely to adhere to regular practices. Those who start their daily duties once they roll out of be are more likely to make less excuses and are less likely to delay their workout. This is only my personal recommendation. I personally have noticed that when I wait to workout in the afternoon after work then it becomes later and later in the day which means eventually it's 10 pm and I am working out. Don't feel guilty, make it a part of your morning routine. Starting with a morning workout and then a solid breakfast truly will make a huge difference in your results and overall mental well being.
Honestly, I was that person who worked out 2-3 hours at the gym. Yes, I was fit, I was thin but I was tired ALL the time. I was so exhausted because I was eating crap on a daily basis. I ate a lean cuisine and some form of sugar every night. I ate candy on a regular basis for a quick sugar boost to keep me awake. I lied to myself and pretended I could workout an awful diet. Well, I got slapped by reality with a health problem and no longer could I workout that long. It was time to accept reality. Nutrition is key to success. It is vital to eat every 2-3 hours. This helps to control your appetite, it helps varying levels in your blood sugar and helps you to avoid overeating. This keeps you from feeling that extreme hunger so that you are less likely to stop and go through that drive thru. The optimum system I have found personally is eating my three main meals, have a snack between each meal and having Shakeology daily.
Snack Before Working Out
Yes! I never did this before. I would workout on an empty stomach. I wouldn't eat. I would go all day without eating and then hit the gym. After the gym, I would binge hardcore and completely undo my results. So I found that eating a small snack helped me stay full until the next meal and kept me fueled during my workout. A small snacks helps to give me that energy I need to push harder, to give thought and effort into each repetition. My best small snacks always come down to protein bars, fruit, nuts or Shakeology.
Set Goals That Are Attainable and True to YOU
This was something I didn't do in the beginning and I wish I would have. I just wanted to lose the weight I had gained, I wanted to be thin, I wanted abs and I wanted the gap between my thighs back. This was all nonsense, it was all self centered and very superficial of me. But that's what I wanted that was me when I started this journey again. When you are used to being fit all time and then you are the complete opposite you yearn for what you had before. I realized after doing my first challenge group that I had to set weekly goals, small goals that added up to my ultimate goals. So that is where I started.
I started with my overall goal to lose the weight I had gained. I started by doing that as my 30 day goal and wrote small goals each week leading up to that goal. Each week I wanted to consistently lose 2-3 pounds. I wanted each week to maintain the previous weeks weight loss. I also started adding smaller fitness goals each week. At first, I wanted to just get through each workout without quitting. Then I started adding challenges into my goals. I started with simple things like I wanted to hold a plank for 2 minutes and I wanted to complete the entire 10 minute ab workout without dying. This lead up to my 10 pound 10 inches lost achievement. I still carry on with this now. Each week I add a new challenge, try a new workout, push myself harder to not only maintain my results but to keep my mind strong.
So today I ask you, what will you do to start living a better life? Will you stop making excuses? Will you start by simply getting up, eating breakfast, working out? Will you take the necessary steps to achieve your personal goals to be a better you? If you want help please personally message me or fill out the application below. You can do this!
Next Group starts July 13th, 10 spots available, do this for you!
Next Group starts July 13th, 10 spots available, do this for you!
Fill out my online form.
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