Sunday, February 21, 2016

Dear cancer....I hate you.

Dear Cancer,

My name is Gina Marie Caracci.
You don't know me by name.
You don't know what you did to my life.
You don't even realize you've been in my life for 6 years.

Yet, we have this relationship.
One that I pray people never have to endure.
Your relentless nature pisses me off.

cancer, agressive, grandfather, love, happiness
You were not welcome into our lives when you found my grandfather.
You came in strong, knocked the wind out of us.
Caused years of treatment.
Changed a man who I adored.
Took his health, his hair, his spirit at times
But he fought, hard.

It wasn't long before our relationship grew.
You found my best friend while she was pregnant.
You forced her to seek treatment to save her life and her precious son's life.
You took such a joyous time and made her fight.

Funny thing though, you met your match with her.
She didn't give up, even when she became NED.
cancer, breast cancer, metastatic breast cancer, fight, love, family, child, Disney World, Florida
She still became an advocate, raised awareness.
Then you got angry...and came back with a vengeance.

Your presence took so much from her short life here.
Your ignorance though was where you went wrong.
You tried to take her life, but instead you met her army's resistance.

We banned together, for over 3 years and fought along side her.
We were a family, we had dreams, plans, looked forward to the future.
We didn't think her, not now, not after her intense fight.
We thought we had time.

But dear stole it all from us. But you didn't win.

You cannot take our memories.
You cannot take our unconditional love.
You cannot take our mission.
You cannot take the fight she instilled in us.
You cannot take the values she bestowed upon us.
You cannot take her spirit.

cancer, breast cancer, metastatic breast cancer, fight, friend, family, birthday, loveSo dear cancer...I hope you know that my mission, is just a continuation of hers.

I will walk in tribute to her.
I will educate myself and others.
I will take my anger and channel it into something great.
I will make a difference for her.
I will help to obliterate you, one day.
I will not give up just because you broke my heart.

So dear cancer....I hope you know we are coming.

Keeping Adrienne's mission alive each day. Take time to sign the petition. If you've been affected by cancer then you know the reality of this situation. Please take a moment and sign the petition.

This is my tribute video for my upcoming Walk to End Breast Cancer in Washington D.C from April 30th- May 1st. The proceeds will go to current cancer patients currently battling to pay for their treatments, surgeries and needs. Feel free to visit my donation site to learn more about my mission and the  Avon 39 foundation:

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