Thursday, April 14, 2016

Want to End Your Excuses and Make a Positive Change?

When you're too tired, or too busy, or your kids are driving you crazy or you're on the road traveling for is happening, we are getting busier, adding more things to our to do list than ever. At first we say, "well that one workout won't matter so I'll just skip it today." Funny thing though, once you start cheating, and missing workouts and start falling back into your old ways that downfall can happen fast. When you start skipping one thing, you're likely to start skipping other areas on your health journey which in turn can prevent you from achieving your goals. to handle those "excuses" so that you can get results? Read on!

This totally has been something that I have said, has prevented me from completing a workout and has prevented me from moving forward with my own health and fitness. So, first and foremost nutrition has to be a priority. Instead of eating your mid day bag of chips, or stoping at the vending machine for that quick sugar burst and find something that will actually give you energy. For me, I will drink my Shakeology so that I have the protein while adding some fruit or eating a handful of almonds. Also, I find it beneficial to do a fun workout. Sometimes I will go to a yoga or barre class, or get on my on-demand access and try a new workout to keep me entertained.

This has been something I have experienced with my clients. Because I personally do not have children, I do not know first hand the struggle having kids can be. But I have successfully worked with other moms who have children and who are busy. Things that they have done to be successful in their journey has been waking up earlier before their kids workout. Some have had their kids join in and do the workouts with them. Also, having on-demand access has been really helpful to them because they don't have to leave their homes so they don't have to hire a babysitter.

How many times do we say...."I don't have time." Who has time to go to the gym and put in hours these days? Let's be honest it's hard to find an hour these days that isn't spent traveling, running errands or working. So, find a program that works for your time schedule. In just 30 minutes you can get a solid workout that gives you real results without having to spend time traveling to the gym. You can even try HIIT that gives you a powerful workout in a short amount of time. Getting fit doesn't require hours, it just requires quality movements.

So ^^^ this ladies and gentlemen is me. My job is to travel as a therapist while also being your health and fitness coach. Every 3-6 months, I move to a new area to start a new work assignment. Most of the time I have no idea about the area or options for gyms. Sometimes I will utilize the hotel gym (Westin hotels have an amazing gym). Also, I will find a trail and do some walking to get outside and enjoy the nice weather. Sometimes a great workout is just utilizing mother nature.

Lately, I have had a lot of people tell me "they can't do that workout it's too hard." Working out for me was not a priority when I started on my health journey. Burpees made me use choice words. Hunched over struggling to breathe was not fun...but it's because I wasn't the best at listening to my body. Working out to me is fun now because I feel so awesome when I am done. After a workout, I am sore, but I am also ready to go out and do more. I've found great success in modifying workouts whenever I cannot do something or my body isn't ready to do a new move or workout. Anyone can workout, you just have to find one that works for you.

I've heard this excuse the most honestly...let's be real. I had NO idea what to eat when I started. Truly, I was eating a Lean Cuisine and candy every single lie. Nutrition to me was foreign. Too hard. Not worth spending time on planning. Well, I was wrong and full of it. Meal planning and prepping honestly has SAVED me so much money it's crazy. When I started replacing my breakfast with Shakeology that took care of one meal right away. Then I started building small, simple recipes like clean eating tacos and salads to slowly work into healthier meals. By following a meal plan and only shopping from it, the temptation to eat processed goods went away and enabled me to start saving money and use that extra money to pay off student loan debt.

So....have I helped to end a few of those silly little excuses that you let keep you from trying to move forward on your journey? Are you ready to join my next health and fitness group to start living a healthier more fulfilled life? Feel free to email me at: or fill out the application below!
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