Sunday, May 31, 2015

Share and Serve Sunday: How To Make Your Shakeology

So many people ask me what it is I am drinking and how to make it! So for today's Share and Serve Sunday I though I would share the best ways to modify your Shakeology to love it even more (if you think that is even possible. 

FIRST TIP: As a newbie to Shakeology, I NEVER recommend that you mix it with water first, especially if you are not a "shake person." For my clients, I always tell them to mix it with some type of milk whether it be almond, cashew or skim (personally unsweetened original almond milk is my go to). I personally blended mine in the beginning with ice, almond milk and half a scoop. 

SECOND TIP: Start with half a scoop and work your way up to a full scoop... yes as much as I love getting in as much Shakeology as I can I know that some people don't like thick shakes. Personally, I recommend starting with a half a scoop to try that consistency and if you want to make it thicker go to 3/4 of a scoop and then a full scoop. This will allow you to better decide what your ultimate Shakeology recipe is. 

THIRD TIP: Try fun additives! So I am a total nerd and I miss being in the lab during college. I loved bio and chem lab, mixing things up, making different projects and seeing what would come from it. Making my Shakeology is the same thing to me. I love trying new things in it each week. My favorite things to add to my Shakeology are PB2, bananas, strawberries, spinach, blueberries and honey. I always start small and add more as I am blending it to get the best consistency. I also ALWAYS add ice I just love it hahah makes it so good!

Hopefully these tips help you to make your Shakeology even better. Personally, I drink mine in the morning in the car on the way to work because I seem to never have time for breakfast lately and I know it truly is the most important way to start my day.

Feel free to message me with questions if you have any and I highly recommend you try my favorite recipe I have posted here!

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