Monday, May 23, 2016

Mantra Monday: An Ode to Our Inner Demons

Happy Monday! I hope this Monday finds you well. We all know that Mondays get a bad rep.... usually we see them as the end to our fun, that our joyous weekend is over....the grind begins again. But I've really started to do something different...I've started to dream and by dream I mean envision a life that no matter what day it is, it is still enjoyable. That no matter what day I encounter I am living a wonderful life.

But....we all know that the bills come no matter if we are happy or not. No matter if we love or hate our job that society tells us that we have to punch the clock. That we work Monday-Friday (and from my experiences the weekend too) to just get by. This can limit our abilities to dream and to envision what would happen if we just took a leap of faith and followed our passion instead of doing what others think. does one do this? How do we acquire our dream life? We must conquer our inner demons, the demons that cloud our judgement, prevent us from going after our dreams and honestly bring us down.  First and foremost---> address those demons <--- yes it's time to admit those things to
ourselves that we know limit our abilities. For me personally I've got several:

1. My biggest demon---> other people's opinion of my life
2. My second biggest demon---> my constant need for perfection
3. My middle demon---> my poor self image
4. My second to last demon---> my fear of failure
5. My last demon---> my fear of financial struggle

When you address these things, when you list them by how much they affect our life then you know where you need to make the changes and what needs to happen. We cannot just write them down, make a list and walk away. We have to ACKNOWLEDGE THEM. Stare at that list or look at yourself in the mirror and see them for what they are.

Once you've allowed yourself to go there, and I mean really go there. This may involve emotions that we are not comfortable with experiencing let alone sharing BUT this is where the shift starts to happen and TRUE POSITIVE CHANGE exists. Even in our darkest times, there is light and we have to keep walking towards it because that is HOPE and hope will always remain as long as we never give up.

After you've allowed yourself to "break" as I so pleasantly call the time at which the tears start to stream and I start to allow myself to be honest with how I feel....I ask for STRENGTH. This may come from God, the powers that be above that you believe in, family or a close friend.  When you need to conquer demons you need what may feel like super human strength and that my friends cannot be done alone. Find your supportive community and allow them in.

FINALLY----> yes we are getting somewhere even though right now you may be feeling like you're losing your mind (believe me I've been there) but we have set up a foundation for success to conquer our demons, to solidify the fears that held us back in order to FLOURISH in the areas of our lives that give our heart it's ability to beat. Once you've addressed the demon, allowed yourself to understand it, built your support system now it's time to tame it.

When you are ready, and this can only be felt and understood by you and you alone, hold that light and do BATTLE. Yes, go to war with your fears and DECIDE that you are worth more than what you have allowed yourself to believe. Allow your determination to flow and make a plan for how you are going to conquer each one of your demons. Personally, for me, I THRIVE off conquering my biggest fears first, the one's that yes are the hardest and may make you feel awful but I can tell you something---> when you have CONQUERED your biggest demon the rest seem less intense and thus giving you a feeling of POWER that truly will flow through your veins. Hold on to that power, that motivation you are starting to feel and attack each and every demon that is limiting your ability to truly live a life you are destined for instead of one that is controlled by the higher beings of your company.

You my friend have big dreams, as do  I. There are going to be some obstacles, some people or road blocks along the way, which will make those demons creep up. BUT you are more than capable of moving forward even in your weakest moment if you just allow yourself to fail, but fail forward. Learn from life's hardest lessons to thrive in your desired path and thus create a life that no matter what day of the week it may be is worthy of living. You have worth my love and I hope you find it, believe in it and allow it to enable you to grow.

Happy Monday <3

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