Monday, October 10, 2016

Sweating for the Soul: Losing More Than Just Weight

Seriously....why is it so hard to lose weight and keep the weight off? Why does our weight have to go to the places we would much rather sculpt and tone? Do you notice your weight tends to accumulate around your butt, your thighs, even your abs? For me I can say yes, yes and YES! Literally, the only way I used to get results was killing myself at the gym and skipping meals. was hard and I could never stick to the plan. The reality here is that eating healthy is hard, finding the time to consistently work out is even harder but the hardest part you'll face is when you start to see results and the inevitable plateau occurs. No matter what you do or just cannot get to your goal weight.

So we just say to hell with it and go about our days unhappy with the way we look, complaining about being tired and stressed all of the time? You could. You'd be taking the easy way if we are being blunt and honest. Or you can do what I am doing, facing the challenges I have experienced with my health and fitness and taking it head on.

Instead of waiting until Monday, I started on Friday, after experiencing the prior week complete nutritional failure due to treats at work. I took charge this week and started off simplifying my nutrition and then listening to my body...waiting for it to tell me what it needed. Instead of blaming it on my injury, the stress of grief and the reality of trying to find my way in life, the choices I have made are mine alone. For me, my body was craving a program, a simple system to follow but time is limited. In this moment, I knew that meant, the 21 Day Fix was calling my name. The program that started it all for was time to become friends again.'s not that easy. You know that because you've been there. You cannot just chose a program and the pounds magically come off. It's going to take some more effort than that. So how do you do this, how do you make positive changes when everyone around you chooses a different lifestyle?  

You choose what YOU want and make it NON-NEGOTIABLE.

#1 Visualize- For me I am visual, I need to see what I want and envision myself accomplishing it. So I took the time to look up some of my favorite trainers and saved their pictures to a folder on my computer to remind myself of what I am fighting for.

#2 Set Goals-BE REALISTIC- you cannot achieve all of your goals over night, even in a week or for some in a month. You have to realize that it took time to get to where you are at and it's going to take time to correct your habits. There will be pizza, if you're like cream, there will be family dinners and illnesses. No matter what, you give your best each day and at the end of your program you can say you gave it your all. That has to be enough in life.

#3 Meal Plan- Yes, I said those words. You have to commit to your nutrition. This is where you are going to have the MOST success in losing weight and achieving your goals. You can workout as much as you want but you will remain stagnant if you do not focus on your nutrition. I teach my clients to go through the food lists we provide and circle the things they like or would be willing to try. Then we formulate a meal plan together from it. The last and most important step is that they shop from their meal plan only that way there is less temptation and honestly it will save you time and money.

#4 Push Play- Those workouts are pointless if you let them collect dust, so it's time to get to work. Set a time in your day, everyday, to do your workout. It has to be as important, so you must schedule it so that yo don't miss a opportunity to make positive changes to your body. If you're saying, "I'm busy, I don't have time" do. Set your alarm 30 minutes earlier, sleep in your workout clothes and make it non-negotiable. Remember, "I don't have time" is the adult equivalent of "the dog ate my homework."

#5 Remember people are watching, whether it's your significant other, family, friends or co-workers you are inspiring someone else who needs to make a positive change in their health. Never give up, you are a priority and you deserve to be happy from the inside out.

So...what's the soul part?

If I have learned anything over these two years of being a challenger first and then a coach, life is going to get in your way. It's going to attempt to bring you down, there will be people who tell you you're wasting your time, just eat the cookie. But it's your mindset that needs to be strong. You can do the work, plan, but if your mind isn't right you'll plateau.

This month, we are "Sweating for the Soul," which means we will be following a nutritional plan, doing our workout and participating in our online health and fitness accountability group BUT we are throwing in a twist. Each week is going to be themed for the things people need most: healthy tips on controlling stress, time management tips and throwing in a free bonus yoga retreat. Instead of just losing weight, we are going to lose the negative thoughts and together, we are going to focus on a healthy mindset to enable us to achieve our goals. 

Are you sitting there thinking....maybe it's time? That sounds like something I would benefit from? Well now here is your chance to take action! This week I am going through new client applications and launching our Sweating for the Soul Online Accountability Group on October 17th. Why wait another minute to not feel your best? Fill out the application below!

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