Happy Monday everyone! I know who says that right!?!? But I mean it! I really love the start to a new week and really never appreciate that until I started reading. Usually, I would just read books for entertainment and leave it at that. BUT then I started reading books for personal growth as well. I never knew what these really were and always thought it was just self help crap. Honestly. But I was sooo wrong. I have always enjoy reading (until I got to college) and thankfully now that I am done with text books I get to read for choice.
Being a health and fitness coach it was always a priority from our mentors to read personal development. Being a traveling therapist as well, free time was usually spent in the car. SO I started with audible versions of some of the recommend books and really started to enjoy them. From there I decided to hop on Amazon and make an order.
In my first order, was The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy. Personally, I flew through this book. It was an easy read because it brought so much worthwhile information that I continually wanted to keep reading. From it I have several quotes that I found to be beneficial to myself and thought others would appreciate.
1.“You alone are responsible for what you do, don’t do, or how you respond to what’s done to you.” -So often we blame others for our actions but in reality we must accept the consequences for our actions. No one can define you if you let them. Be who you want to be while attaining the goals you set for yourself.
2. “The (Complete) Formula for Getting Lucky: Preparation (personal growth) + Attitude (belief/mindset) + Opportunity (a good thing coming your way) + Action (doing something about it) = Luck” There are so many times that I have said someone is lucky. But what is luck anyways? This quote made luck actually seem like something attainable with pure hard work and preparation. We can wish for things, we have to work for them.
3. “Consistency is the key to achieving and maintaining momentum.” I see this a lot with being a coach and a therapist. People start something and when they don't drop 10 pounds in a week they quit. People forget that you have to consistently do something over time to get results. Rome wasn't built in a day.
Another book I read was called, "Eat That Frog" 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time by Brian Tracy. This book centered on how to make the most of your time in such a busy world. This book was a quick read, simple and manageable systems to implement into your life to help you get organized and stay on track.
1. “If you have to eat two frogs, eat the ugliest one first." This is another way of saying that if you have two important tasks before you, start with the biggest, hardest, and most important task first.” How many times do we waste time doing small tasks just to avoid that big task, that big assignment that we know we should do first. When you take on the biggest task, the other ones seem easier, you get more done, you succeed faster.
2. “People who take a long view of their lives and careers always seem to make much better decisions about their time and activities than people who give very little thought to the future.” When we set out to define goals for our lives and what we want we have to think long term. Will that purchase of that designer bag help you to get closer to eliminating your credit card debt? Will continually putting off applying for that awesome job opportunity that you are cleared destined for help you get out of that dead end job you are currently in? You have to think about what you truly want more so than right now.
My favorite book that I continually highlighted and kept re-reading statements because it hits on so many things I personally need to improve on is called, You are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living An Awesome Life by Jen Sincero. This book has brought so much to my life and I am still working on it. But a few key quotes that personally hit home I thought I would share:
1. "I'm not talking about conceit or narcissism, I'm talking about a deep connection with our highest selves, and an unshakable ability to forgive our lowest. I'm talking about loving ourselves enough to let go of guilt, resentment, and criticism and embrace compassion, joy and gratitude. I know personally, I hold myself up to high standards and can be very hard on myself. Sometimes we just have to love yourself for the person we currently are.
2. "Comparison is the fastest way to take all the fun out of life." How often do you compare yourself and your life to others? Honestly, I constantly did. I wanted to be things that other people were and constantly brought myself down because of comparison. When I finally stopped caring about what other people thought, I became a happier and more satisfied person. Stop comparing yourself to others. They are not you!
3. Get clear on this one truth: guilt, shame, and self-criticism are some of the most destructive forces in your life, which is why forgiving yourself is one of the most powerful." I know I constantly criticized myself for my actions or things that I have said. I have been ashamed of myself for choices or reactions to situations when I should have just been understanding of myself. Forgiving myself for the past enabled me to push further for my future. Forgive yourself, we are only human. Learn from your mistakes and move forward.
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