s not going to lie. Like legit so nervous I almost thought about not going. Why? Because I have serious anxiety in large groups of people, I get so nervous around people I don't know wondering what they will think of me. I get really nervous around new people who are important to those I care about because I worry if they will like me. Not many know of how serious my anxiety gets in new situations. A lot of people think I am a jerk honestly, because I get so quiet. I worry I will say the wrong thing or someone will think I am weird.
Going into summit I truly was stepping out of my comfort zone. I went into the trip with intentions of going to every event, going to every workout, every celebration. I knew going in if I was going to step out of my comfort zone that I had to make this great. I went in with the attitude that no matter what I was going to make this great. So I got into a car with my teammates and headed to Nashville nervous and excited.
Summit truly changed my life, in just 3 days, the knowledge I gained truly gained my outlook on my job as a coach. I went into summit just working my business as a side job, working a few hours a week to help my financial situation. I left summit committed to growing my business and increasing the number of lives I will change. I took from summit that this is more than a business, this is more than a challenge group, this is more than me.
It starts with one person. It starts with the belief that every one matters. It starts with the believe that every story matters. Each person has a purpose, each person has a reason, each person truly is worthy of the journey they take.
So you may be asking what is Coach Summit?
Summit is the yearly event hat is held by Team Beachbody to help the network of coaches improve and grow their business, to be inspired and empowered by the mission.
At the event my team:
- Attended daily training workshops
- Attended live celebrity workouts
- Attended the opening and closing events-they were AMAZING (I felt like I was at an awards ceremony)
- Watched dedicated, committed individuals be recognized for their hard work
- Attended parties and events with the CEO and celebrity trainers
- Heard from our guest speakers Dewitt Jones and Simon Sinek
- Listened to multiple testimonials from challengers and coaches how their lives have been changed forever by Beachbody
- Listened to exciting announcements about new product launches
- Shopped at the Core for the latest gear and workouts
This year 20,000 coaches attended the event. It was 3 awesomely jam packed days that were so amazing I thought I would break it down and share it with you.

Woke up bright and early to head to the Renaissance Hotel for the Dream Team Recipe For Success Training. The Dream Team is the team my team falls under and also is the number one team in the entire network run by Melanie Mitro. The line up was impressive the top coaches in the entire company sharing their personal struggles, their failures and their successes. During the entier training, I took constant notes, took in every single word that was said and enjoyed the experience When you look at those from the top, you think how could I ever be that person on stage in front of thousands of people being open and honest.
After the training, we had an awesome meet and greet with the members of the Dream Team who spoke at the training. It was so great to meet the people you follow daily. To meet those who have inspired you since day one of your journey is truly an experience that I felt honored to experience. It motivated me even more to go out into the world and make a difference.

Our CEO Carl Daikler truly went out of his way with his team to make everyone feel welcomed. As we got comfortable in our seats at LP Field. Then the news started flowing and we were introduced to all of the game changing products that Beachbody would release over the next few months

The new line of products include:
- Cize: The End of Exercize
- Fixate: The 21 Day Fix Cookbook
- The Shakeology Boost Line
- The Performance and Supplement Line
Then the big reveal: In December we will release Hammer and Chisel, the newest workout with trainers Sagi Kalev and Autumn Calabrese (SUPER EXCITED is an understatement).

Then we headed over our work shops and training. I knew going into summit that I would be learning a lot of vital information and being the nerd that I am I bought a new notebook going in. Learning from the top coaches in the company truly made my eyes open.
Saturday started out with the ultimate workout experience. With 20,000 people we closed Broadway and did our live celebrity super workout with every trainer from Beachbody. With the temperature well over a hundred degrees we sweated something fierce and went into our last day with more motivation than I honestly thought was humanly possible.
Our first group of presentations were two coaches I had heard of but hadn't really followed yet (now I will). Sommer and Traci spoke to us from the heart about how we need to shift our mindset so that we can achieve our goals. One of the things that they said that stuck out to me was, "If you want something different, you have to do something different."

During Lindsay's presentation, she spoke of the broken home she came from, the true struggles she has faced and how she had to drop out of high school to raise her siblings. Lindsay gave up everything to be there for her family. She did things that were necessary to survive. Lindsay had a belief so deep that she went all in and God granted her what she was deserving of. One of my biggest takeaways from her presentation was when she said, "Act as who you want to become."

Beachbody is more than workouts and shakes. Beachbody is a community, a family, an organized group of people on a mission to help people live healthy, more fulfilled lives. This company has given my life purpose, has blessed me with amazing friends and financial freedom I never thought I would have achieved. I am passionate about what I do as a coach and can openly speak to anyone about it because I believe in what we are doing. Our job, our mission, our goals all lead to helping people realize they matter, that EVERY ONE MATTERS. Never forget that <3
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