Sunday, September 6, 2015

Super Sunday: Fall into Fitness Health and Fitness Group Starting Soon

Happy Sunday everyone! 

I have been really working on getting myself back into a routine. Grief is not easy and acceptance is even more difficult. I have been really trying to get back into my normal routine but I had realized that's not possible. So
depresed anxiety broken sad lonely lost unhealthy overweight weightwatchers journey junkfood candy McDonald's fastfood sick ill Wendy's Burger King Taco Bell
much has changed and I cannot just live like nothing is different. Personally, I have been focusing on remaining positive and just giving myself credit for making through each day, working out and doing my best to eat clean.

I know how hard life can be. I started my health and fitness journey with a challenge group at this exact time last year. My whole life had been flipped upside down. I had just had another surgery from the 9 month treatment I was receiving after developing a life threatening mass. I was fortunate my doctor found it when he did and I had the opportunity to keep living my life the way I wanted. I was depressed. My anxiety was at it's worst. I was dealing with a broken heart and so many life changes. I was down and out. I felt like I was going to break everyday and that I was not meant for happiness. I started to feel like I was a waste and no longer have a purpose.

I joined my first group. Honestly, I didn't take it seriously in the first week. I was still eating gummy bears. Still a nutritional mess but I was working out (sad fact I had to accept you cannot workout a bad diet). After the first week, people were really getting amazing results already. I started watching more....I started eating cleaner more... I started to really invest in myself and my health. The changes came week after week. I was not tired as much. I started waking up earlier. I started going out more and getting back to enjoying the things I loved. One of the biggest things I noticed was mentally I was gaining strength. I cried less. Stopped napping my evenings away and starting speaking more positively. This group truly was the start to the positive change in my life. 

shakeology clean eating meal planning workouts inspiration pittsburgh traveling recipes fitness health core 21dayfix insanity max30 piyo nutrition
It all started with one program called the 21 Day Fix. It truly changed the way I thought about food and nutrition. Instead of feeling like I had to starve myself to lose weight, I ate more than I ever have. I was cooking more (this was huge for me because I only ate lean cuisines and never used the oven or stove). I started utilizing Shakeology daily and my energy levels were AMAZING! I never felt so good in my life. Each day I did one workout, 30 minutes (yeahhhh crazyyyy I used to spend 2 hours at the gym to get results). This program taught me to just be happy with myself. To be proud that I was trying and to never give up!

After my first challenge group, I was hooked!!! I was in love with the fact that I could workout from home, in my own space, not feeling judged or intimidated by those who were in better shape. After I completed the 21 Day Fix, I decided to amp it up and added Piyo while doing the 21 Day Fix program. Piyo was amazing because my back had started to give me trouble (long term affects of a injury to my spine). It was amazing because it wasn't high dynamic jumping movements which I LOVED and it was great because it combined pilates and yoga while helping me to get seriously toned! The combination of the two was epic to my transformation. 

From there I just went all in and tried every program I could. I progressed to completing T25 and then Insanity
shakeology clean eating meal planning workouts inspiration pittsburgh traveling recipes fitness health core 21dayfix insanity max30 piyo nutrition progress transformation work dedication change improvement help accountability group team motivation inspiration health
Max 30-both of these programs are developed from Shaun T and they were super intense. Prior to joining my first challenge group I had tried Insanity and after a month quit. I completed 60 days of both of these programs and had mad success! I fell in love with how Beachbody truly had something for everyone and I loved the fact I was saving so much money not going to the gym! (Super big win for me as I am paying off student loan debt).

My love of fitness was back- for the first time in over a year I felt more like myself than I ever had! I was hooked and realized God was showing me something- he was giving me a new way to live and spread my love of helping others. I became a coach and started my own health and fitness group. From there the rest is history, now I live a significantly better life thanks to joining my first group. 

Soooo.....what is all of this that I chat about constantly? I thought I would break down what I do with my challengers to help you better understand and answer some of the most common questions I get:

What is a health and fitness "challenge group"?
A challenge group is an online, secret-closed forum group where we work together to help you achieve your goals through providing daily motivation and accountability.  We share recipes, grocery lists, tips for success, and fun challenges to help you stay on track!!! This is the secret to my success and my challengers success!

Will I starve or have to diet during this group?

ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! I was the fad diet/ diet pill/ quick fix person....none of it worked. So I do not diet! Promise you, you won't have to either! In this group, you will get to eat throughout your day. Most days I eat 5-6 times! My group is about a healthy lifestyle so you get to eat your carbs, your fruits, you can have a drink here and there! No need to starve or feel deprived anymore! We work together to teach you about cleaner eating, meal planning and how to modify your favorite recipes so you don't miss out!

Are the workouts difficult?

The workouts are meant to challenge you to help you continue to make progress throughout your journey. But there is always a modifier in every program.  That way if you cannot do a particular move you have someone to follow. As you get stronger you will start to notice you modify less and have more energy to push further. The workouts are 30 minutes and have rest breaks in between the moves. I will not lie when I started I had to pause that DVD and modify. 

What if I am not ready to commit? How do I get help?

My job as your coach is to answer your questions. To provide you with the best recommendations for your personal journey. If you don't feel ready then we continue to chat until I answer all of your questions. As your personal coach, I am here to help you every step of the way. So if you have a bad day, or have a question or need help then you can contact me here or personally message me!


This is my FAVORITE part because you are about to have your mind blown and feel AWESOME! To sign up you simply fill out the application below and I will personally add you to my private group! From there, we start and end as a team!!! You are no longer alone in your journey!!!

September 14th is our KICKOFF!!! You will get added into my free clean eating group where we will go over the basics of what to do to get started. Then on September 21st the challenge begins!!! The deadline to sign up is September 13th!!!

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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