Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Work For It Wednesday: How Coaching Has Changed My Life Mentally and Financially

Have you ever lived paycheck to paycheck?
physical therapy hardwork ethic dreams goals financial freedom life love happiness quality prosper student loans debt free inspiration motivation
Have you ever had to turn down an opportunity because you couldn't afford to do something you truly wanted to do?

Have you ever felt like your life was not what you dreamed it would be?

Hand raised over here! ^^^ That was me^^^

Back in 2006, I entered into college going into an accelerated DPT program at a small catholic school ( I was one of five people that qualified for this program). Year two, and we found out that our program was being canceled. Yeah!? Right!? Our options were to stay, complete a regular bachelors program OR to transfer. Personally, for me, I was not one of the wealthy people going to that school because I could afford it. I was there because I got a straight spot into physical therapy school and that was an amazing opportunity I thought the student loans would be worth it...but reality set in and I chose to transfer because I couldn't afford to be at a school that cost that much just for a bachelors degree.

The saga continued, I transferred and eventually graduated with my dual bachelors in biology and psychology on time in 4 years. At the same time I graduated, I was faced with the realization that because I transferred I couldn't participate directly into PT school. I had to wait a whole year and still
wasn't guaranteed a spot!? Soo....another decision to make. I chose to go to PTA school. I loved therapy and didn't want to waste my time working my mundane job waiting for something that could potentially never happen.

3 1/2 years later I am a traveling therapist. I work really hard to try and pay for my student loans that once had a monthly payment of over $1,200. Part of me regrets how I went about school. I wish I would have known more, made a more educated decision initially out of high school. But that's life. Here I am finally under the $60,000 mark of debt (currently at $57,000) and working each day with the dream to be debt free by 30! That's two years on earth will I do that?

By changing the way I think, listening to my gut and combining my two loves: fitness and physical therapy.

health fitness depression anxiety overcome adversity struggles change life change motivation inspiration amazing happy love gamechanger live life design Since incorporating my love of traveling and coaching I have been able to:
1. Pay off 2 credit cards
2. Paid off 2 student loans
3. Taken 2 vacations
4. Paid off my car a year and a half early
5. Pay off over $6,000 in medical debt.

^^^^ All of that in 14 months^^^^


By taking time to share my passion with others, my taking time to learn about what being a leader truly means, by stepping out of my comfort zone to share my struggles to help others no longer survive but THRIVE! Coaching has taught me how to control my anxiety and depression by giving me a healthy outlet, giving me something to look forward to daily so that I no longer linger on what life throws at me. Coaching teaches me how to mentally be strong, to overcome adversity, to thrive in any environment because I have worth. We all have worth. We all matter<---I never believed I mattered until I became a coach.

decide commit succeed conquer dreams goals ambition strength love beautiful happiness So what do I do as a coach? How have I been able to create a successful team while traveling, moving and handling difficult tragedies?

Coaches are people who care about others, who want to make a difference in the world and the lives of others. We are a team of like minded individuals who love helping others and love the life we are living because we get to design it. Coaching has opened me up to more opportunities than I could have ever imagine. The best part!? The amazing friendships I have established. To think I would have never met these people without being a coach blows my mind!

Do you think you could be a coach? Do you feel like you would enjoy making a difference and helping others? Fill out this quick app below and let's chat!

It's the biggest blessing for me personally. I know that I can make purchases without having to worry, I know that my student loans will get paid without worry. I know that I am working hard to succeed at life and I want to pay it forward and help others live a more fulfilled life!
coach health fitness change empower inspire dream debt financial strength Netflix Hulu Scandal Nashville America travel live

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