Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Workout Wednesday: A Workout You Can Do Anywhere

Are you getting ready to travel? Worried about getting off track from your workout because you cannot take your equipment with you? Then here is your ticket! I have been doing some research since I will be traveling for the next 6 weeks straight and have found some cool options for workouts you can do ANYWHERE! 

Here is the breakdown, hope it is helpful!

30 second side plank on each side
30 second straight arm plank
30 second forearm plank
10 forward lunges each leg
10 side lunges each leg
10 burpees

30 crunches
15 push Ups
10 burpees
10 Reverse lunges each leg
30 second straight arm plank
30 second forearm plank

60 second straight arm plank
30 bicycle crunches
10 lunges each leg (2 sets)
10 push Ups (2 sets)
30 Squats

30 crunches
10 push Ups (2 sets)
15 burpees
60 second straight arm plank
10 Side lunges (2 sets)
30 Sumo Squats
60 Second forearm plank

20 Burpees
30 second high knees
15 lunges each leg
15 reverse lunges each leg
40 crunches
40 bicycle crunches
60 second straight arm plank

10 lunges each leg
10 side lunges each leg
10 push ups
10 burpees
50 crunches
(Repeat 3 times)

Sunday: REST

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