Happy Monday! There are so many great things about a new week but if you are unhappy with your job Monday can be a rough one. Here are 5 tips to make every Monday and every day great!
1. Start your day off reading or listening to something that inspires you!
Instead of watching the news or some show replaying for the fifth time on television check out something worthwhile and inspirational. Take those moments in the morning to start fresh with something positive. My favorite personal development book to lead by day with is Jen Sincero "You Are A Badass: How To Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living An Awesome Life."
2. Always Have Your Goals In Mind!
Sometimes we get on the 9-5 daily grind train and forget why we started working in our particular field or why we are pushing to succeed everyday. Take time to develop goals for your future. Take time to decide what you want for your life and your family. Review what you are doing on a daily basis and decide is it helping you to achieve your goals? If not re-route and try again.
3. Start your day off by becoming stronger- start your day with a workout!
When it comes to mood, endorphin's play a huge part in health. Working out increases these and promotes a happier and healthier mood.
Personally, I workout 30 minutes in the morning. It's a great way to let the crabbiness go while getting my mind right for the day.
4. Be Thankful-Always
Every morning I take 30 seconds (yes that's all it takes) to pray and thank God for waking up, for having the ability to make decisions and live my life the way I decide. If you are in a rut, take 30 seconds and look at the things you are blessed with. When you focus on these, you instantly will improve your mood.
5. Pay It Forward
There are so many times that I am in a store and someone is scrambling for change to pay their bill. I see a single parent putting necessity items back because they cannot afford their bill. I am not wealthy by any means, but I know that those few dollars I could spare could really help someone else. So without a thought if I see a way to help someone in need. I do it. No questions. No thank yous necessary and go about my day. It's as simple as paying for the person's coffee behind you-that $2.00 really does make a huge difference!
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