Monday, April 27, 2015

Real Talk...The Importance of Change

Happy Monday everyone!

I know there is a lot of judgment in living a certain lifestyle. I know there are a lot of people that look at what I do and question my choices. I realize people do not understand why I do what I do and the reasons behind my passion and drive for success. Most people know me for always being the smart, well planned, put together individual and they do not realize that I lost that person for a long time. 

Motivational Monday is my favorite day because I LOVE reading all of the fun quotes and stories about what it took people to conquer their hardships in life and overcome the hardest times. I personally don't just scroll through my newsfeed on Mondays. I stop and read each message from each person because I love learning about other people. 

Recently, I have come across a lot of judgment and people questioning my lifestyle. Thankfully, I am at a place where people's comments no longer faze me. But I realized I used to be one of those people who internally was judging others without knowing them. I was always that person that compared me to others. I always wanted to look like the fittest girls at the gym. I always wanted to be thinner, to be prettier, to be like everyone else. What I realized is that I just needed to appreciate the person God made me to be.

It wasn't until my entire life shifted that I realized I needed to change. I needed to stop judging people that I did not know. I needed to become confident and thankful for my opportunities in my life. I needed to be happy with the person I was and make choices based off of what was right for me. I didn't realize this until my lowest point and now looking back I realize the need for the last year. 

What a lot of people don't know is the battle I have had with my body and self image. I was always one of those people who wanted to perfect in every aspect of my  life. I always worked really hard to be the best I could be in every aspect of my life. That hard work ethic was wonderful in the professional world. It has lead me to being a very great therapist but in myself  that mindset was paralyzing. I would try every fad diet or workout. I would work out harder on the days that my diet slacked and when I was upset I wouldn't eat at all. Then my entire life changed and I became an emotional eater. I ate whatever I wanted when I wanted and never thought about how I was harming my body.

I got to the point that I lost all motivation in all aspects of life. I lost enjoyment in my job, I stopped going to the gym and just slowly started to give up. I put a fake smile on while inside I was deteriorating. Then one random day I saw a post about a challenge group and my life changed. It was because of that group that I changed. I stopped letting life conquer me and starting taking care of myself. What kind of person was I to give up when God had given me so much? I actively started participating in the group and slowly starting seeing changes. Not just on the scale but in myself. I had a genuine smile. I looked forward to waking up again. This group was a game changer for me. This group provided a filler for the void my heart had. It enabled me to become stronger as a person and to truly start turning things around. 

Did it solve all of my problems? No. I still have bad days. I still have days that tug at my heart strings and something reminds me of what I am missing. But it does not define me anymore. I am a work in progress. I am human and I make the choices I make because I love myself and my life. So when you see me posting about my shake, or my clean eating recipe or my sweaty workout. Realize it took everything I had in my body to change. This means so much more to me than most people know. I am a coach by choice. I love my team, my challengers and the ability to pay it forward to others. I know how hard life can be. Depression is a battle that truly paralyzes you and if I can just help one person conquer life instead of letting life conquer them, then I will be happy. 

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