How do you stay productive, stay focused when you have a million
things to do??? Simple plan and execute what is necessary. Here are some quick
tips I have learned to improve my productivity and determine what is important!
1. Single Point Focus: People
who are successful are able to rate what is most important and they attack that
task first. Pick the most important task you have and go for that first!
2. Block Out Distractions: In this tech savy world, we are
surrounded by distractions. You must focus, ignore the distractions and get to
work. How to do this??? Log out of all social media and focus on the task at
hand. Turn off the electronics from TVs to phones and spend the necessary time
on your task until completion.
3. Block out time for tasks: Think about that most important
task and be realistic with how much time you need. Block out that time in your
day so that you do not feel rushed. Being able to calmly dedicate your time to
your task will enable you to achieve success faster.
4. Get Up Earlier- YES I mean it! For me to get a good
workout in while still working and accomplishing my daily tasks I started
training my body to wake up earlier. This enabled me to have enough time in my
day to achieve everything I needed to while starting my day off in a positive
way. You can train your body do to anything you just have to want to.
5. Set Up Rules: If you know you have to check your emails or
you have to go to a meeting set rules. Define how much time you are going to
spend looking at thos emails. Set up rules for your meetings so that they are
organized and take less time. To help alleviate time with coworker
communication make sure you tell them to define what their needs are from the
start in the subject line of the email or in personal communication.
We all have the same 24 hours in a day, what you make of it is
your choice!
Then I take these 10 quick tips to improve motivation,
productivity and focus!
Do you find that you lack motivation? Do you start on one task and
get bored easily? Are you someone that wants practical solutions? Then read
these simple tips for improving your motivation!
Even if you do not feel motivated, act like you are. When you pretend like you
are motivated or excited about the task at hand, within a few minutes you
actually will be.
2. Ask yourself
questions: In the morning, when you wake up, ask yourself: When you reflect
on how you are truly feeling it really puts things into perspective. Ask
yourself: What am I _______ about in my life right now? Ask yourself what about
it makes you feel _______? And How does it truly make you feel. Also, reflect
on what makes you happy and excited. Ask yourself what are you happy about
right now and what are you currently excited about right now?
3. If you are
lacking motivation or don't know where to start, do something small. Something as simple as cleaning up
your workspace can be that fresh start you were lacking. For some it could be
the lingering things such as vacuuming that is limiting you to focus. Get the
things clouding your mind done with so you can focus on the task at hand.
4. When you look
at your to do list- think of what is the most daunting task? Then conquer that first. Everything
after that will feel like a breeze!
5. Remember how
far you have come. It is hard to give ourselves credit when we are trying
to achieve a big goal. Think about the small successes that have lead you up to
this point.
6. Determine what
is a necessity- things like car payments and mortgages are crucial to life.
Look at your goals and work towards the ones that are a necessity for a
successful and happy life. There are plenty of small goals that would be nice
to achieve, but first get the most important ones rolling.
7. Scare yourself
into success- ask yourself what it would cost your life to put your task on
hold? Usually, it is something significant and if you would put it off would be
detrimental to your well being. But don’t freak out with this strategy. Fear
can paralyze you. Don't let it, just be real with yourself!
8. Determine what
mental barriers you are facing. Are
you telling yourself you can't? Chances are you are limiting yourself from
being successful. Sometimes it is because you don't know where to start other
times it is a lack of knowledge. Look at your goal, determine what it is, set a
plan to achieve it and if you lack knowledge do your research!
9. Green
means GO!!!! Start right away
even if you do not feel like you are ready. When we think to much we hold
ourselves back. Just go for it. Failure is a major part of life. Learn from
your mistakes along the way and GO!!!!!
10. Imagine
the bigger picture. Picture how your life will be better. Think about where
you will be when you achieve your goals. People are more successful when they
picture themselves doing the task.
You can do whatever you put your mind to. The only true limiting
factor in life is you. Do not let anyone get in the way from achieving your
goals. Rid your life of the negative people who are telling you that you cannot
do it. Surround yourself with those that uplift you. That may mean you lose
some people along the way. So be it. I know I would rather be surrounded
by those that love me and support me rather than those that are negative.
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